warm lemon water

Balances Ph value of the body

A glass of water with a little lemon juice reduces the acidity of the body. This beverage contains citric acid, and doesn’t generate acids in the body.

Refreshes the breath

Antiseptic properties of lemon kill all the bad bacteria in the mouth and act as disinfectant. A glass of lemon water instead of morning coffee is healthier choice that you can make.

Helps in healing wounds

This amazing lemon water protects your health, reduces stress and depression, and also contains vitamin P which favourably increases capillary resistance. Besides healing the wounds, this healthy drink is also good for the health of the bones, tissues, cartilage, and calms the inflammatory processes.
So what are you waiting for? Make Yourself Lemon Water every morning and feel the benefits.

http://www.instanthealthyliving.com/drink-every-morning-will-never-get sick/#.Vj5HkiJa6xw.blogger