Thursday 31 March 2016

Great Homemade Recipe for Whiten Hands and Feet

Ręce, Dwóch, Palm, Światło, Ręka W Rękę

The skin on your hands and feet requires care if you want them to look nice. There are many night and day creams that promise whitening effect on the skin, but they are often ineffective.
Hands and feet are the most exposed body parts to UV-rays and environmental pollution. The skin on these parts cracks easier and faster. If you have more melanin in your body, your hand and feet skin will have a darker tone than the rest of the body, so in order to prevent uneven darkening, you can try this natural remedy with lemons, which have the ability to lighten skin tone.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which lighten the skin tone and stimulate new cell growth. Here’s how to prepare the remedy. 

Stopy, Dziesięć, Mokro, Zaczerwieniona
Lemon juice
Cucumber juice
Baking soda
Coconut oil
A pinch of turmeric powder
Mix all the ingredients to create a paste – the amount you use depends solely on your needs. Mix well until you get a creamy mixture. Apply the paste on your feet and hands and leave it on for 20 minutes, before rinsing with water. Repeat the process for 15 days to see the difference – you can take before and after photos to really see how the paste works.
You can get a similar paste by mixing lemon and cucumber juice with a pinch of turmeric. The procedure stays the same.
After applying lemon juice on your skin, make sure you avoid sunlight for a few hours, or you will get adverse effects.

Have you ever tried to whiten your hands or feet? I do this in a quick way with lemon in my kitchen while squeezing it into a dish or preparing my lemon water. If I stay with a lemon butt in my hand I drive my fingers in it, turn round and then they look pretty whiter. This is a quick remedy after getting coloured by a carrot or beetroot. Baking soda and cucumber do a similar work. 

Thursday 24 March 2016

If You’ve Ever Woken Up At Night Unable To Move, Here’s What It Means…

Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious, but unable to move. It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. – WebMD
Of all the weird sensations that one can experience, perhaps there is nothing stranger than not being able to move; more specifically, not being able to move while being consciously aware of one’s surroundings.

If You’ve Ever Woken Up At Night Unable To Move, Here’s What It Means…

Sleep paralysis is a strange and potentially frightening phenomenon. Essentially, the person experiencing sleep paralysis can’t move any part of their body, but yet remains conscious. Those that experience sleep paralyses are often terrified – an understandable reaction from not having voluntary control over one’s movements.
Fortunately, this is a relatively common occurrence and does not cause any physical harm to the body. Sleep paralysis happens during one of two stages -“hypnagogic” and “hypnopompic.” Hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs before falling asleep, while hypnopompic sleep paralysis occurs as one wakes from REM sleep.
As we fall asleep, our body becomes deeply relaxed while our minds concurrently become less aware. However, when hypnagogic sleep paralysis occurs, the mind remains aware while the body achieves an involuntary state of relaxation. The person than realizes that they’re unable to move despite their efforts, often leading to feelings of panic.
During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, our muscles are paralyzed so that we don’t act out our dreams. When one experiences hypnopompic sleep paralysis, a certain part of the brain wakes sooner. This wakeful state does not affect the part of the brain responsible for REM paralysis, however. The result is a certain degree of wakefulness and no voluntary control over muscles.

Who does this happen to?

Some people are fortunate enough to experience sleep paralysis just once or twice in their life, if ever. Unfortunately, some people experience this phenomenon often – even multiple times a week. A study undertaken at Penn State University discovered that approximately 8 percent of the population has frequent issues with sleep paralysis. Individuals with mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are more prone to frequent episodes of sleep paralysis.
People affected by sleep apnea; people on specific types of medication, and those with an underlying sleep condition may experience more frequent episodes of sleep paralysis.

Here is the full list of risk factors, according to WebMD:
– Lack of sleep 
– Frequent changes in sleep schedule
– Mental conditions, such as stress or bipolar disorder
– Sleeping on the back
– Sleep problems such as narcolepsy or nighttime leg cramps
– Certain types of medication, such as those with ADHD
– Substance abuse

What are the symptoms?

Under almost every circumstance, individuals that experience sleep paralysis are unable to move or speak from a few seconds to a few minutes. As mentioned, this usually occurs during the initial stages of falling asleep and almost immediately after waking up.
While sleep paralysis often requires no type of treatment, a doctor may further inquire into other areas that pertain to sleep health. Should sleep conditions linger or worsen, the medical professional may then refer to a sleep specialist.

What are the treatments?

Because sleep paralysis occurs naturally, there is generally no prescribed treatment. However, if a medical professional detects an underlying condition in the process of diagnosis, a treatment regimen may be in order. Such prescribed treatments are:
– Implementation of a sleeping schedule
– Prescription for an anti-depressant
– Referral to a mental health professional
– Referral to a sleep specialist
– Treatment of any underlying sleep disorders
– Prescription for sleeping aids

Often times, making adequate sleep a priority while limiting unnecessary stress (especially before bedtime) will suffice as a deterrent to sleep paralysis. Because of the enigmatic nature of the condition, the effectiveness of formal and informal treatments to alleviate it is ambiguous at best.
As a rule of thumb, one episode of sleep paralysis does not usually mandate a trip to the doctor’s office. Health professionals recommend that those with rare episodes of sleep paralysis pay particular attention to their sleeping habits, as sleep deprivation almost assuredly increases the likelihood of an episode.
Other recommendations include avoiding or severely restricting alcohol/drugs, nicotine and caffeine. It’s also recommended to keep electronic devices out of the bedroom in order to establish healthy sleep patterns.
Of course, it is very possible that a sleep paralysis episode will occur regardless. If that’s the case, try and remember to stay calm and realize that it will pass.

Have you ever found yourself in such a state? 

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Top 10 Health Benefits of Foot Massage and Reflexology

Although our feet do a lot of work, they are the least pampered part of our body. To pamper your feet and keep them strong and flexible, a daily foot massage of a few minutes will be enough.
In fact, foot massage has been practiced in different cultures for years to promote health and well-being. Also, it has been a valuable part of complementary and alternative medicine.
Combine a regular foot massage with reflexology to promote psychological as well as physical health.
Reflexology is an ancient healing practice based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet that correspond to the body’s different organs and glands.
These points are located on the soles, ankles, toes and upper part of the foot. In reflexology, pressure is applied to special areas on the feet with specific thumb, finger or hand techniques.
Stimulating and applying pressure to these reflexes on the feet is definitely pleasurable, but at the same time, it helps promote good health. 
Here are the top 10 health benefits of foot massage and reflexology.
1. Promotes Better Sleep
Foot massage just before going to bed can help you sleep better. A soothing and relaxing foot massage will help the body unwind, improve blood circulation and relax the nerves. These, in turn, will encourage restful sleep. 
There are certain acupuncture points on your feet that need to be massaged to promote sleep.
  1. Sit upright with your foot in your lap.
  2. Using your thumb, press in and around the large plantar pad of your big toe.
  3. Do this for at least 1 minute on each of the big toes.
  4. Next, massage the bottom of your feet for 10 minutes with warm coconut oil, olive oil or mustard oil.
2. Improves Blood Circulation
Due to sedentary lifestyles, most of us do not use the muscles of our feet properly. Also, improper footwear like tight shoes hampers normal circulation in the feet.
You can improve your blood circulation with 10 minutes of daily foot massage. This, in turn, will help transport oxygen to the body’s cells, which is essential for overall health. Needless to say, you also need to opt for proper and comfortable footwear.
Foot massage will also stimulate the lymphatic system and help prevent varicose veins. 
Put any massage oil in your palm and rub it firmly on your foot for several minutes.
Then, stroke the foot gently but firmly from toes to ankle with your fingers.
Finally, give a gentle massage to your lower leg also.
Repeat the same with the other foot.
3. Helps You Relax
After a long tiring day, the best way to relax is a soothing and relaxing foot massage, particularly after a long day of standing and walking around, when our feet tend to swell up.
Also, foot massage gives you energy by releasing any blockages that hold back energy and relieving symptoms of stress and fatigue. 
Regular foot massage of 5 to 10 minutes before going to bed can improve feelings of general well-being. Always use warm oil for foot massage so that it easily penetrates deep in the skin. Also, use gentle yet firm strokes.
4. Fights Depression
Foot massage and reflexology can even help fight depression.
According to a 2010 study published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing, receiving soothing hand or foot massages after the death of a loved one can help a lot to deal with the stressful grieving period.
Foot massage provides consolation, helping people to balance the need to grieve and adapt to changes in life.
Certain points on the feet are helpful in alleviating depression symptoms. For instance, the spot in the center of the big toe, the spot at the center of the ball of your foot or the ball of the foot located under the big toe are associated with emotional stability and mental health.
Massaging these points or applying pressure to them for a few minutes 2 or 3 times a day can help relieve symptoms of depression.
5. Relieves Aches and Pains
Reflexology can help treat different types of pains and aches, such as headaches, migraines, neck pain, lower and upper back aches.
If you have neck pain, massage the toes as well as the joints that join the toes to the foot for 5 minutes firmly and soon the pain will vanish.
You can do massage of the whole ankle to reduce pain and swelling in the ankle and get relief from headaches and migraines.

To relieve thigh pain or lower back pain, apply pressure with your thumb between the outer ankle bone and the Achilles tendon for a few minutes.

For upper backaches, massage the arch of the foot. Use your thumbs to apply pressure along the edge of the foot, using small circular motions. Also, massage the soles and tops of your feet.

6. Makes Feet Healthier

One easy way to keep your feet healthy and free from all kinds of foot problems is a regular foot massage. It helps stimulate the muscles around your feet, lessens stiffness and even reduces pain in the ankles or the heels.

Plus, a short 5-minute foot massage daily will make your ankles strong and flexible, thus preventing unpleasant ankle and foot injuries.

It has been found that massaging your feet with warm olive oil or coconut oil can give much relief from the pain and inflammation caused by foot tendonitis. Also, it is considered an excellent treatment for heel spurs.

It can even be beneficial to relieve the discomfort associated with burning feet sensation.

Apart from oil, you can also use a foot roller for foot massage. Roll the foot roller back and forth on the soles as well as over the top of your feet for a quick massage.

Do you have any experience with foot massage or reflexology? What did it help you with?

Saturday 19 March 2016

After This Remedy You Will Never Feel Joint and Bone Pain Again!

Improper posture is the major reason for the appearance of pain in the back, legs and joints, according to scientists.
If you suffer from constant pain in the back, wrists, legs and neck, the first change that you must do as soon as possible, is to improve your body posture. Moreover, this article offers you an effective home remedy which restores the health of bones, joints and tendons. 

7- day treatment for healthy joints and bones
You need 150 grams of edible gelatin (organic), and in the evening, mix two tablespoons of it with 50 milliliters of cold water and leave the mixture overnight at room temperature. The gelatin will turn into jelly. In the morning, the gelatin will be turned into jelly, so stir it with something that suits you (juice, milk, yogurt, fruit shake or tea) and drink it. 
The procedure is to be repeated in the following 7 days. Gelatin helps to soothe the pain in the back, wrists, legs and neck, and after this 7-day treatment, your condition will be significantly improved. The pain and stiffness will be eliminated, and in a month, you will feel absolutely no pain. 
You can also repeat the treatment after a month, and once again after 6 months. In this way you will restore the natural joint lubrication. 
Effects- Why  gelatin is so good for the joints?
Organic gelatin is a natural product, obtained from processing bones, tissue and cartilage of large animals. Gelatin contains Proline and hydroxyproline, which are powerful amino acids. They stimulate the growth and improve the structure of the connective tissue, which is necessary in the treatment of joints and weak bones. 
This high-quality cure provides a wide range of health benefits, for it:
  • Strengthens joints and heart
  • Provides elasticity, strengthens tendons and ligaments
  • Prevents development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Improves skin and hair structure
  • Improves complexion
  • Has powerful effects in the treatment of dysplasia
  • Improves the mental abilities.

Who wants to try this 7-days treatment? 

Friday 18 March 2016

This is Why You Have Bloated Stomach and How to Get Rid of Bloating and Lose Weight Overnight!

Probably only a few of you know are aware of the existence of a bacterium which significantly harms your health and causes serious intestinal complications. Indeed, this is an asymptomatic intestinal bacterium which is hard to be diagnosed without appropriate medical examination and is known as H Pylori or Helicobacter Pylori.
Helicobacter Pylori is indicated by the following symptoms: burping, bloating, diarrhea, flatulence, esophageal reflux, heartburn, constipation and upper and mid-stomach torment. For some, these symptoms are hard to relate to this bacterium. Numerous people basically regard these signs as common, so they are rarely related to the occurrence of this bacterium.
H Pylori causes gastritis, which is an irritation of the stomach lining. It is the reason for 90% of duodenal ulcers and around 80% of gastric ulcers. Also, H Pylori can cause different non-digestive conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, headaches and Raynaud’s sickness, which is the impaired circulation in the hands and feet.
This bacterium can also cause sadness and anxiety. This is in light of the fact that H Pylori can cause an absence of serotonin in the brain.
It can also happen to you
It can be hard to treat this issue at times, especially if you have no clue what kind of processes actually happen in your body.
The bacterium lives basically in the stomach lining, both in humans and animals. It can cause stress and sadness in a number of cases. However, the bacterium works in tricky ways to change the way you feel without you giving it much thought.
Many people come to contract with H Pylori by consuming contaminated food or water, most often with fecal substances. Moreover, we often consume food in restaurants that have been prepared by people without washing their hands. Always investigate the conditions of the restaurants you visit, and what’s more, the hygiene of your home.
What can you do about it?
More than 80% of cases have had H Pylori adequately irradiated. Anti-infection agents are of great importance in these cases. Consult your doctor to get the right medical treatment. Antibiotics would not be necessary during most of the treatment, but it is always best to ask for medical advice.
In order to eliminate the bacteria, you need to establish healthy eating habits and proper diet. You also need to take considerable amounts of vitamins A, C and E, and zinc. Moreover, you can take probiotics like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium to keep you safe.
The beginning stage of the presence of H Pylori cannot be spotted on time, so you need to practice certain beneficial habits in order to prevent it.  It is crucial to keep hygiene at high level, to always wash your hands, and what’s more, to drink water from a safe source.
If you feel that you are under a threat of H Pylori, contact your doctor and make a thorough examination. You can never be certain enough when it comes to problems like this.
So, what can you do to fight against this bacterium?
Prepare this beverage and consume it, and it will also help you reduce bloating, and feel lighter and energetic at the same time.
Required ingredients:
  • 1 cucumber
  • A bunch of cilantro or parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of grated ginger
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe Vera juice
  • 1 lemon
  • ½ glass of water
Method of preparation:
It’s equally easy to make and drink this beneficial drink. You simply need to put all of the ingredients in a glass, mix them and drink the beverage.
How does it work?
After drinking only a glass, you will notice that your belly seems reduced.The combination of these ingredients will assist your digestion system by burning fat while you are sleeping. It has been proved to accelerate the digestion system, and it operates at full speed even when you sleep.
All of its ingredients possess fat burning properties:
Cucumbers are a key component in any health improvement plan. They are effective in eliminating fat.
Parsley and cilantro are low in calories and they are both stacked with cell reinforcements, vitamins and minerals that ease water retention, so they can help you eliminate bloating.
Ginger accelerates your metabolism and relieves constipation. This ingredient will help you burn the belly fat while you are sleeping.
Lemon juice is extremely effective in eliminating toxins accumulated in the body.
Aloe Vera juice is especially beneficial in the struggle to lose weight.
Stay Hydrated: Drink Lots of Water
Water is crucial in the process of effective fat burning. On the off chance that you are dehydrated, the digestion system will lessen its work and won’t have the capacity to burn calories as it should do.
Give your digestion system a little support by drinking a great deal of water.
Sources and References: www.fhfn.orgwww

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Do You Drink Coffee In The Morning On An Empty Stomach?

There is no doubt that coffee is very beneficial for your body, but you should not drink it on an empty stomach, especially in the
The consumption of a cup of black coffee on an empty stomach leads to the release of hydrochloric acid inside your digestive tract. If you already suffer from gastritis, then you have surely experienced this.
The acid acts as a “violation” of the food in our stomach. When you eat something “heavy”, it can cause problems with digestion, since it would lead to a difficult digestion of proteins.
When proteins are not fully decomposed, it can lead to other problems such as inflammation of the bowel, bloating, irritation and even cancer of the colon.
For these reasons, experts warn that coffee should never be consumed in the morning when you wake up. The reason is that the coffee will increase the level of cortisol very quickly and the body will take a long time to return to its normal state. This hormone controls our biological clock and the ability to stay awake.
Moreover, the consumption of coffee on an empty stomach will increase the level of acid in the stomach, which can lead to bloating and vomiting.
Therefore,  you should drink coffee an hour after waking up. It means that you have to eat something before, even if it was only a slice of bread.
If you’re the type of person who cannot start their day without a cup of coffee, then there is another trick you can use to reduce the harmful effects: add a little milk or butter in your coffee.

Friday 4 March 2016

1.5 Million Mites Lives in Your Bed – Here’s How to Destroy Them

We all know that the first thing we should do in the morning is – to wash the face and set the bed. This habit is deeply rooted in our minds even when we were kids. But surely you will be surprised by the fact that in our mattresses and pillows are about 1.5 million mites, and with this habit we just help them in their breeding.

First, we will explain what these mites are really and how they can harm our health. They are small, microscopic organisms that live in our bed, linens and pillows, feeding on our dead skin cells and sweat, and that quickly multiply. Also, they discharged feces very quickly, up to 20 times a day. Scientists have confirmed that there are around 1.5 million mites, average in each bed. So, here is the math: an average of 1.5 million mites, currently staying in your bed, 20 times a day excreting (each mite individually), and the result is truly disgusting. This is the biggest danger to human health – their feces.

It contains proteins which when inhaled or come in contact with our skin, the level of antibodies is rising rapidly. When the number of our antibodies increases, our body starts releasing histamine and then the problems start. 

Histamine causes swelling and redness, usually associated with allergies. As a result, you may begin to notice some of the following symptoms: red and watery eyes, nausea, itching, fever, sneezing, coughing and even breathing problems.

Some people are very sensitive to these dust mites can get red bumps on the skin that itch a lot.

So it is very important to know how to get rid of them and thus improve overall health.

1.5 Million Mites Lives in Your Bed – Here’s How to Destroy Them

How exactly can we get rid of mites? The solution is very easy and simple – no need to make the bed after getting up!

Instead, open the window and let the bed as it is, leave the door open to create a blowing and go to the bathroom…

When you expose mites direct on the sunlight and fresh air, they do not have conditions for growth and development, so that will prevent them multiply.

Scientists advise to set the bed at night before sleeping, in a pre-ventilated room. Covers on pillows and sheets should be changed at least once every two weeks.

Once a month you can brush your mattress with saline solution or baking soda. Some practice and cleaning mattresses with tartaric acid, but because of the risk of unpleasant smell, we still prefer baking soda.

Also, it is important to know the following: never go to bed with wet hair and then cleaning the mattress, be sure to dry well before you lie down on it. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

7 Must-Try Latin Home Remedies

(Photo : Cameron Spencer/Getty Images )
Sick of taking bad-tasting medicines or using chemically-rich beauty products? You have a choice of using more organic and affordable ingredients, and some of these natural treatments have its roots in Latin culture. They are probably already in your home. Below are a few popular Latin home remedies to try:

1) Vick's VapoRub. Abuela has relied on this eucalyptus-filled treatment for many ailments and minor conditions like achy joints, muscle pain, headaches, skin irritations and chapped lips. Aside from its healing elements, the ointment can also work to lubricate door hinges so that it no longer creeks, according to Step To Health.

2) Manzanilla. Next to Vick's, Abuela also relies on the manzanilla for treating stomach problems like cramps and gas pains. Manzanilla is otherwise known as chamomile, so whether you drink the tea or use the topical oil solution to relieve yourself, both can work wonders. For beauty treatments, manzanilla can help treat irritated skin, acne, psoriasis or eczema, per Live and Feel.

3) Tequila. A shot of tequila is great for parties and celebrations, but did you know that it's also effective against colds? Mix tequila blanco with agave nectar and lime juice to treat the sniffles, per Mental Floss. Tequila can also supposedly aid in weight loss, per She Knows. Tequila contains agavin, a type of sugar that helps control blood glucose levels and cleanses the digestive tracts so that overeating is managed.

4) Raw eggs. Uncooked eggs have been known as an effective hair remedy or facial mask but, in many Latino cultures, it's also regarded as a protection for "evil eye," according to Lucky Mojo. Otherwise known as "Mal de Ojo," many Latins believe that the condition causes injury and misfortune, and the eggs works like an amulet that also heals the person who has been victimized by it. Raw eggs are rubbed on the body for three straight days to ward off the evil eye.

5) Onion and Honey. Treating cough is possible by cooking onion with honey until it becomes a consistent syrup concoction. The properties of both ingredients work as an antitussive, according to the book, "Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine."

6) Lemon and Warm Water. Feeling constipated? Drinking warm water with squeezed lemon should ease up the condition in no time, according to Mind Body Green.

7) Ginger. Aside from making dishes flavorful, the ginger is also one of nature's most useful and effective medicines. It is very common used for fighting colds, alleviating arthritis and menstrual pain, reducing inflammation and treating burns, per Web MD.

By Rachel Cruz                                      Jan 06, 2016