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'Tis the season for coughing, sneezing and sore throats. But if you're looking to nix that feeling of blah immediately, look no further than your pantry and fridge.
This roundup of remedies can help alleviate the pain and discomfort that comes with the common cold. After all, anything that prevents us from sucking on cherry-flavored lozenges or guzzling grape syrup is considered a win by us.


This all-nautral sweetener is delicious in tea, however, when taken by the spoonful (in moderation, of course) can help reduce throat irritation.
According to Greatist , "This sore throat remedy has been in rotation since ancient times and with good reason. Adding bee’s honey to warm water or tea is considered a steadfast treatment for a sore throat."

Salt Water

Just say it, "Mom, you were right."
Mixing a tablespoon of table salt into a warm glass of water and gargling for 15-30 seconds is a sure fire way to reduce the inflammation in your throat.


While you're boss may not approve of this remedy during office hours, swigging this alcohol on the back of your throat can ease pain and discomfort during a cold. Hot Toddy , anyone?

Fluids (water, tea, seltzer)

Be sure to increase the amount of liquids you're consuming when you're feeling under the weather. In order to flush out the impurities and allow for proper absorption of vitamins, drinking plenty of fluids is essential.
Stick with water, hot tea and even club soda for the biggest hydrating benefits.


Yes, you read that correctly. Health states , "According to anecdotal reports, modern-day marshmallows can help ease sore throat pain, possibly because the gelatin coats and soothes."
So snuggle up on the coach and make some hot cocoa, your throat will thank you.