Friday 29 April 2016

According To Science, You've Probably Been Pooping Wrong Your Whole Life

 photo credit: Irina Mir via Shutterstock

Stool, feces, excrement, dung and even poop. It doesn't matter what you call it, you're doing it every day (I hope) and you're probably doing it wrong. 
It turns out that all the countries that have fancy, sit-down toilets aren't allowing the... uh... 'hatch' to open all the way. 
When we stand up or sit down, there's a kink in our lower gut that stops us pooping at random. But when we squat, our guts elegantly straighten out, leaving us free to eject any waste in comfort.
Sitting down to poop means that the muscles in the gut have to strain to push excrement around the bend in the bowels. "Just like a car on the highway, turning a corner means our feces have to put on the brakes," Giulia Enders, writer of 'Darm mit charme' (Charming Bowels in German), told the Guardian'’s Annalisa Barbieri.
This isn't just a harmless observation; nature designed us to squat when we poop. When we try to force our way around that, we're at greater risk of damaging our bodies.
"“1.2 billion people around the world who squat have almost no incidence of diverticulosis and fewer problems with piles. We in the west, on the other hand, squeeze our gut tissue until it comes out of our bottoms,”" says Enders. Diverticulosis occurs when excessive strain and pressure push out weak areas of the muscle wall and form little pouches in the colon. Piles are swollen blood vessels around the anus, also caused by straining.
This revelation isn't new; in fact, a study in 2003 by Israeli doctor Dov Sikirov concluded that squatting to poop was the 'most satisfactory.' The study compared defecating in three different positions: Sitting on a toilet 42cm high, 31 cm high and squatting. The test subjects reported that pooping while squatting took an average of 50 seconds whereas pooping while sitting took an arduous 130 seconds. 
The paper also noted that sitting necessitated "excessive expulsive effort" to shift biowaste, whereas squatting was a comparatively carefree exercise.
So, if you're a toilet user, how can you adjust your pooping habits to protect your bowels? Well, Enders suggests that climbing on top of the toilet seat and perching while you poop "might be fun," Enders. However, she also suggests having a little stool in front of your bowl to elevate your feet. So remember kids - squat when you poopy, to keep a healthy booty. 

What is your habit of doing THIS?

[Via The GuardianDigestive Diseases and Sciences]

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Here Is What Makes You Really Fat and the Most Effective Way to Stop It! It Is Not Overeating!

Almost all people have found themselves in various stressful situations. But in case they actually are familiar with what really happens with their organisms in such situations, they would freak out. In other words, stress has massive and chronic havoc on your organism. 
Unfortunately, today stress has really become the epidemic in our society and we are not able to avoid it.
According to a meta-analysis, made up of 300 studies chronic stress has the capacity to damage your immune system. It also can contribute to weight gain, and also obesity. In addition, there was a study published in the journal Appetite that showed stressed women have drastically higher waist circumference than non-stressed women. 
Gruby, Nadwaga, Otyłość, Waga
To explain you more deeply, it has been long considered by the scientist that there is a strong relationship between stress, blood sugar levels and belly fat, as well. Also, those people who suffer from chronic stress have increased insulin levels, which can contribute to weight gain, insulin resistance and finally diabetes.
Moreover, when you are stressed, your adrenal glands actually release the hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Thanks to these hormones your heart rate and blood pressure are increased, thus making your blood more likely to clot, which damages your brain’s memory centre. Then, it leads to increased belly fat storage and generally wreaking havoc on your organism.
Also, it is important to know that there are some negative effects due to this hormonal havoc. For instance, if you don’t consume your breakfast, you probably consume gigantic coffee and a muffin, as well.
But, see what happens within your organism if you replace your breakfast with coffee – coffee contains caffeine, which can increase your stress hormones, i.e., catecholamines. Then, the stress response stimulates the production of cortisol and if it is combined with a muffin, which contains sugar, there are increased insulin levels within your body. On the other hand, insulin can elevate inflammation, which can make you feel lousy. Also, the sugar found in the muffin can increase cortisol and adrenalin levels, i.e., stress hormones, which mean that sugar actually elevates your stress hormone levels, even in cases when you are not stressed.
- Manage stress by an adequate diet
It is recommended to consume whole, real foods as they actually can help you restore balance to cortisol, insulin, and other hormones within your body, and at the same time to manage your stress levels.
Therefore, you should avoid the consumption of refined sugars, coffee, and alcohol. But, on the other hand, eat on a regular basis in order to avoid the short-term starvation stress on your body.
Also, you should substitute the harmful processed foods with healthy fats, proteins, gluten-free grains, leafy and cruciferous vegetables and berries, as well. As you probably know you can regulate your blood sugar and stress levels and restore hormonal balance by the consumption of the adequate healthy foods.
- Decrease stress by using these simple and effective methods
It is important to know the definition of stress – bodily or mental tension caused by factors that actually alter an existent equilibrium. Also, your thoughts become unbalanced.
In addition, these 13 methods and tools are able to help you manage stress effectively.
- Try to learn new skills
If you want to manage your stress levels very effectively, it is recommended to try to learn new skills, for instance: yoga, progressive relaxation of muscles, watching a sunset, walking on a beach or in a wood, making love, biofeedback, or having a hot bath.
- Change your beliefs
You should consider changing your beliefs and attitudes about certain situations in order to decrease stress.
- Mediate
Also, you should consider mediating, for instance just find a practice that makes you feel relaxed. Moreover, you can try Ultra Calm CD featuring guided meditations and techniques of relaxation.
- Sleep
Have a healthy sleep pattern as lack of sleep actually elevates stress hormone levels. You should have at least 8 hours sleep regardless your obligations and busy life. Also, you can take a nap in case you missed your sleep.
- Tap
You should know that tapping is actually a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. In case you want to learn more, pick up a copy of The Tapping Solution, i.e., the new book by Nick Ortner.
- Eliminate the underlying stress causes
You can help your brain with avoiding mercury toxicity, gluten rich foods, but include vitamin B12 and magnesium in your diet. In other words, by changing your body you can change your mind.
- Supplements
You should start taking a multivitamin and nutritive supplements, for instance: vitamin C, B complex vitamins, B6, B5, zinc, and the most important magnesium, i.e., the relaxation mineral, to help the stress response balance.
- Include herbs in your diet
Consider consuming herbs that help you adapt and balance your stress response, for instance: Rhodiolarosea, cordyceps, Siberian ginseng, ginseng, and ashwagandha.
- Try to actively relax your body and mind
Also, you should learn how to actively relax your mind. For instance, you can just sit and watch TV, or drink beer. In addition, you should find active relaxation that is great and relaxes you.
- Use heat therapy
Start relaxing your body with a hot bath or sauna, as well.
- Start exercising
You should start exercising in order to lower stress and heal your mind. Furthermore, there are certain studies that have proved the beneficial effects of exercising, and that it works better than Prozac in the treatment of depression. However, if you are very busy, but want an effective and intense workout, you should try interval training.
- Find a community
It can be of a great importance for your long-term health to be surrounded by people that you love the most and also motivate and make you happy.
- Breathe
At least, you should take deep, slow, full breaths as they have fundamental effects on the stress response resetting. For instance, you can try to take 5 deep breaths and you can notice how differently you feel after.
What else have you found  helpful to beat stress? 

Tuesday 19 April 2016

This Miracle Recipe Will Heal Your Joint Pain in Just One Day

A lot of people have experienced an awful pain in their joins. This joint pain usually occurs in the knees, shoulders or elbows. Most of them think that this pain occurs as a result of the aging process, but what about all those young people who experience joint pain, even at the age of 25? So, is the aging process the only reason or there is something else?
Many experts claim that joint pain occurs as a result of trauma, heavy lifting, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism, and many other health 
The pains can occure even while you sleep. In this post we will offer you a recipe that was found in some old Russian medical books. The ingredients you need for this remedy are cheap and easily available, and we are sure that you have them in your kitchen.
Ingredients needed:
  • Hot mustard
  • Honey
  • Baking soda
  • Sea salt
First, make sure you use a plastic, ceramic or wooden tablespoon. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them together until you get nice and homogenous mixture. Then, pour the mixture in an empty cream jar or other plastic container. That is all, your remedy is ready to use!
How to use it:
Apply some of the mixture on the affected area, put a plastic bag over and wrap it with a woolen cloth, or you can use a scarf. However, make sure you tie it loose. Leave the cream on for 1.5-2 hours.
Уou are going to achieve the best results if you do this before you go to bed, because during the night you do not move the joints, and they can heal better and faster. You can wash the area in the morning.

Saturday 16 April 2016

This Is How To Remove Bloated Belly In Just 60 Seconds With This Incredible Belly-Fat Burning Recipe!

There is no doubt that we all hate the big, round, bloated belly. If you have experienced this problem, you know that it creates a feeling of discomfort, but at the same time, you cannot get rid of it quickly or easily.
Nevertheless, there is a recipe that can do wonders for your bloated belly!
This drink is the easiest way to get rid of the stomach bloating. It’s called Sassy water, and it got its name after its creator, Cynthia Sass. This remarkable recipe, which has almost 0 calories, transforms ordinary water into a powerful belly fat burner!
Moreover, the Sassy water improves and balances your digestion and enhances and strengthens your overall health.
Cynthia Sass also invented a diet called “The flat belly diet”, based on the consumption of Sassy water for losing weight. Note that you still need to consider the water retention and balance of electrolytes even if you drink 8 glasses of water every day.
Now, we will present the recipe of this extraordinary drink:
Sassy water- recipe
  • 1 medium sized, peeled and thinly sliced cucumber
  • 1 medium sized, thinly sliced lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (fresh)
  • 12 small leaves of mint
  • 2 liters of water
Everything you need to do is to drink 8-10 glasses per day. Sassy Water contains powerful ingredients that improve digestion and prevent appetite, constipation and bloating.
Try it and see for yourself! The effects are amazing!

Monday 11 April 2016

How To Clean Your Bathroom Easy. A Candle Is All You Need!

It’s especially frustrating when after all that cleaning you see that discoloration takes place in between tiles. That ugly brown that seems impossible to get rid of. It turns out, there is a way to get those dirty looking crevices white again. All you need is a candle for this incredibly simple life hack for your grimy bathroom tiles.


After you have cleaned the tiles normally, take a normal wax candle that you can find in any store.
Press with the bottom end on one of the joints and rub the candle into it a few times back and forth. After just a couple seconds you’ll see how it’s already working.
Rub the candle back and forth on the discolored areas. You’ll quickly see how it is working.
Rub it in especially on the areas where it comes into contact with water. Not only does it turn white, but it is providing a protective film so the dirty brown won’t come back.
Afterwards, you’ll never have to deal with dirty grout lines again. Brilliant! 
You can also use car wax paste for the same purpose. First, clean the tiles, then cover with wax using a cloth, and finally, polish the surface with a dry cloth. You can go with the same procedure for the taps and shower cabin. Have you found any other ways of cleaning your bathroom? Of getting rid of mould for example? If it occurs around the bath I put a cloth soaked in bleach and leave it overnight. In the morning, you need to thoroughly ventilate the bathroom (chlorine is not healthy by the way, but in some cases only this does the work). You can use the car wax paste to polish the bathroom mirror to prevent it from steaming up. 
What tricks can you share with us? 

Tuesday 5 April 2016

What Can You Do With Leftover Lemon Peels?

Cytryna, Owoców Cytrusowych 
Lemons are bright, refreshing and smell divine. They have a huge number of benefits for health, hair and skin too. But did you know lemon peels are nutritional powerhouses? Lemon Peels contain a spectrum of vitamins, minerals and fiber (calcium, potassium, and vitamin C) that can give you a nutritional boost. Here are a number of ways you could make use of your leftover lemon peels. 

Amazing uses of Lemon Peels:

1. Lemon Olive Oil: Firstly, zest some of your peel and use or freeze it for later use. Next, add one cup of olive oil to three cups of your lemon zest to give your olive oil a nice lemon flavour. Let the mixture set for two weeks before straining it (to remove the peel bits) and use the oil with a new makeover!
2. Lemon Ice cubes: Give your drinks a new twist by adding lemon ice cubes! Just add some lemon zest to your ice cubes and let the flavor release into your drink when the cubes melt. You could also add long strips of the peel to your ice cubes.
3. Trash Can Odor Remover: Throw a few lemon peels at the bottom of your can. This will help absorb all the odor and keep your can smelling fresh.
4. Microwave cleaner: Throw in a few lemon peels into a microwave-safe bowl and fill it with water. Heat the bowl on high for about 5 minutes, and let the steam do its job. It will stick to the walls of the microwave, and after a quick wipe down with a towel, your microwave will be squeaky clean.
5. Get Rid of Ants: Yes, lemon peels can also be great ant repellents. Throw some peels by the crack of a door, or any small spaces where ants can enter into your home. If you’re having problems with ants in your kitchen because of the sugar, add some peel to your sugar jar as well.
6. Skin Brightening scrub: You could use the lemon peel to brighten your skin and make it smoother. You would need epsom salts and lemon infused oil for the same.
7. Vitamin C powder: Cut the peels into small squares and place them on a clean cloth. Leave them in the sun for a few days , and once they’re completely dried, add them to a coffee grinder to turn them into powder.  You can add a teaspoon to a smoothie, or just eat it plain to get filled with a great source of Vitamin C.
8. Cutting board Sanitizer: Lemon’s natural acidity provides great antibacterial properties to home cleaning. After properly cleaning your cutting boards, rub the surface with half a lemon. Let it sit for a couple of minutes before rinsing.
If you’ve come across some more interesting uses of lemon peels, please share in the comments section below.
Edited by Pragya Sharoff