Friday 4 March 2016

1.5 Million Mites Lives in Your Bed – Here’s How to Destroy Them

We all know that the first thing we should do in the morning is – to wash the face and set the bed. This habit is deeply rooted in our minds even when we were kids. But surely you will be surprised by the fact that in our mattresses and pillows are about 1.5 million mites, and with this habit we just help them in their breeding.

First, we will explain what these mites are really and how they can harm our health. They are small, microscopic organisms that live in our bed, linens and pillows, feeding on our dead skin cells and sweat, and that quickly multiply. Also, they discharged feces very quickly, up to 20 times a day. Scientists have confirmed that there are around 1.5 million mites, average in each bed. So, here is the math: an average of 1.5 million mites, currently staying in your bed, 20 times a day excreting (each mite individually), and the result is truly disgusting. This is the biggest danger to human health – their feces.

It contains proteins which when inhaled or come in contact with our skin, the level of antibodies is rising rapidly. When the number of our antibodies increases, our body starts releasing histamine and then the problems start. 

Histamine causes swelling and redness, usually associated with allergies. As a result, you may begin to notice some of the following symptoms: red and watery eyes, nausea, itching, fever, sneezing, coughing and even breathing problems.

Some people are very sensitive to these dust mites can get red bumps on the skin that itch a lot.

So it is very important to know how to get rid of them and thus improve overall health.

1.5 Million Mites Lives in Your Bed – Here’s How to Destroy Them

How exactly can we get rid of mites? The solution is very easy and simple – no need to make the bed after getting up!

Instead, open the window and let the bed as it is, leave the door open to create a blowing and go to the bathroom…

When you expose mites direct on the sunlight and fresh air, they do not have conditions for growth and development, so that will prevent them multiply.

Scientists advise to set the bed at night before sleeping, in a pre-ventilated room. Covers on pillows and sheets should be changed at least once every two weeks.

Once a month you can brush your mattress with saline solution or baking soda. Some practice and cleaning mattresses with tartaric acid, but because of the risk of unpleasant smell, we still prefer baking soda.

Also, it is important to know the following: never go to bed with wet hair and then cleaning the mattress, be sure to dry well before you lie down on it. 

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