Friday 26 February 2016

10 Best Plants You Can Grow Indoors for Air Purification

We often think of pollution as an outdoor problem, but indoor air can also be polluted with harmful chemicals. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, people spend 90 percent of their time indoors and poor air quality can cause great harm to their health.
Indoor air pollutants can trigger coughing, chest tightness, frequent headaches, sore throats, watery or itchy eyes, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.
Some of the most dangerous indoor air pollutants include carbon monoxide, radon gas, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and trichloroethylene.
These harmful pollutants arise from cigarette smoke, paint, plastics, chemicals in carpets, cleaning solutions and numerous building and furniture materials.
Nature offers a simple and effective solution for indoor air purification. Many plants help remove pollutants from the air naturally.
In fact, a 1989 NASA study suggests having at least one houseplant with air purification power for every 100 square feet of home or office space.
However, be careful in your selection of houseplants if you have pets in your house as some houseplants such as English ivy, red-edged dracaena, peace lily, weeping fig, rubber plant and florist’s chrysanthemum can be toxic to pets.
Here are the 10 best plants you can grow indoors for air purification.

1. English Ivy

English ivy
The English ivy is one of the best houseplants for air purification. Its dense foliage can successfully absorb prevalent indoor pollutants and chemicals.
Its air-filtering abilities can eliminate harmful chemicals, such as benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene. It will even help clear the air of cigarette smoke.
This evergreen climbing plant is very easy to grow and needs little space, moderate temperature and medium sunlight. You can hang it or perch it on the floor, depending upon the available space.
Water it generously during the early growing stage and simply keep the soil moist for maintenance. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis to keep it healthy.

2. Peace Lily

peace lily
The peace lily is one of the top indoor plants for cleaning air. This tropical plant breaks down and neutralizes harmful indoor gases, such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, ammonia and carbon monoxide.
It also absorbs alcohol and acetone from the air, which is emitted by electronics, adhesives and certain cleaners.
This indoor plant needs medium, indirect sunlight. Water it thoroughly 1 or 2 times a week but avoid standing water.
Use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer once a month to help the plant grow generously. To maximize its air-cleansing ability, keep the foliage dust-free.
The occasional fragrant, white blooms of the peace lily during the summer will also enhance the interior of your home or office.

3. Red-Edged Dracaena

red-edged dracaena plant
The red-edged dracaena is another excellent air-cleaning plant. It has long, wide leaves that are often variegated with red lines.
One large potted red-edged dracaena can do the work of several smaller other plants. It helps remove indoor toxins, such as xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde.
Keep the soil damp but not soggy. The plant can grow up to 15 feet tall, so you’ll need to trim it occasionally. As the leaves accumulate dust, be sure to wipe them regularly with a damp cloth.
This vibrant plant is also great for decorating and filling up empty space in your home and office.

4. Boston Fern

boston fern
The Boston fern is also considered one of the most efficient air purifiers. It is highly effective in removing formaldehyde, which is found in glues and pressed wood products.
It also removes xylene and toluene from the air. It can even remove toxic metals, such as mercury and arsenic, from soil.
It prefers indirect sunlight, however a small amount of sunlight encourages growth. Water it regularly to keep the soil moist at all times but make sure the soil does not become soggy.
Give it a balanced fertilizer every 2 weeks. Protect the plant from warm air from indoor heating as well as cold drafts.
This indoor plant prefers a fairly high humidity level, so you can even keep it in your bathroom. You can also keep it in a hanging basket as a decorative element.

5. Snake Plant

snake plant
Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, the snake plant is another good one to grow in your house and office for air purification.
It can help get rid of formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide and benzene. In addition, it helps lower carbon dioxide levels.
This wonderful houseplant can thrive without much light or water. It generally prefers drier conditions and some sunlight. So, do not water it too much, especially during the winter.
The best place to keep this evergreen perennial plant is your bedroom, as it gives a slight oxygen boost while you sleep. You can even keep this plant in your bathroom or any other empty corner space in your house or office.

6. Bamboo Palm

bamboo palm
Also known as the reed palm, the bamboo palm helps filter out both benzene and trichloroethylene. When placed near furniture, it helps get rid of formaldehyde also.
This plant thrives in shady indoor spaces and is easy to care for. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering and ensure proper draining. Make sure to protect it from cool drafts and regularly remove dead or wilted leaves.
This slow-growing, attractive plant makes a great addition to your indoor landscape. It can grow from 4 to 8 feet high and looks great in corners. In addition, it is a pet-friendly houseplant.

7. Spider Plant

spider plant
The spider plant, often called airplane plant, is a flowering perennial herb that helps reduce indoor air pollution, is effective in reducing formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
This plant is considered one of the most adaptable of houseplants and can thrive in a wide range of conditions. It flourishes in well-drained soil and bright, indirect light. Water the plant regularly but avoid soggy soil.
The spider plant makes a beautiful addition to any home interior. You can use it as hanging display or place it in a corner. 

8. Rubber Plant

rubber plant
The ornamental rubber plant is another powerful toxin eliminator and air purifier that you can easily grow indoors. It is especially efficient at removing formaldehyde from the air. It also eliminates carbon monoxide.
The rubber plant prefers full or bright, filtered light and thrives in wet, tropical conditions. Water it moderately and use a high-nitrogen fertilizer once a month.
Trim the plant regularly to maintain its size. To keep the broad, deep green leaves shiny, wipe them gently with tepid water and a soft cloth from time to time.
You can use this small tree as a centerpiece on a table or on a shelf or windowsill. You can even place it on the floor next to a fireplace or near entryways.
Note: Avoid contact with the milky latex of the rubber plant, as it can cause skin irritation.

9. Weeping Fig

weeping fig plant
The weeping fig is one of the world’s most popular houseplants that helps eliminate harmful chemicals from indoor air. It is effective at getting rid of chemicals like formaldehyde, xylene and benzene.
This houseplant grows well in a bright room, with a little direct, morning sun. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist.
It also needs plenty of fertilizer throughout the growing season. The plant is sensitive to cold and should be protected from strong drafts.
It looks like a typical tree with a single trunk and a spreading canopy and makes beautiful corner plants. You can also use it in entryways and foyers.

10. Florist’s Chrysanthemum

florist's chrysanthemum
The florist’s chrysanthemum plant, also known as florist’s daisy and hardy garden mum, is another effective houseplant for purifying the air.
Its strong air-cleaning qualities can help remove trichloroethylene, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia and other chemicals.
This seasonal flowering plant needs bright, indirect light to grow properly. Water it quite often, perhaps up to 2 or 3 times a week to keep the soil damp.
Use any good quality all-purpose fertilizer once a month. The flowers come in different colors, including red, orange, yellow, white and lavender.
This indoor plant can add splashes of color to brighten up a dull spot in your house or office. Avoid placing this it in very dry or low humidity areas.
Additional Tips
  • Increase ventilation in your house to allow fresh air in. This will help remove indoor pollutants.
  • Install a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter in your house and office.
  • If using a gas stove, keep the kitchen window open while cooking or turn on the fan hood to reduce nitrogen dioxide buildup.
  • Avoid house cleaning products that have chlorine, ammonia and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Bathe your pet regularly. To reduce allergens in your house, you can brush your pet outside.
  • Use air conditioning to keep humidity down and reduce dust mite allergens.
  • Wash your bedding once a week in hot water and, if possible, dry it in direct sunlight.
  • Reduce dust by dusting often with a damp cloth or dust mop.
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  • Make a strict rule and say ‘no’ to smoking in your home.
  • Avoid the use of chemical air fresheners as they contain toxic chemicals. Instead, you can easily make your own natural air freshener at home with baking soda and essential oils. (...)

Monday 22 February 2016

Tips on using vinegar to treat join pain

In my previous post the vinegar has been mentioned as a remedy against joint paint. As a result of my further research I`ve found a note from editor of Arthritis Research UK about a way of using the vinegar:

Vinegar Jar, Green Glass, Bottle

We have no scientific evidence to suggest that cider vinegar and honey is helpful. However, previous correspondents have suggested dissolving a teaspoon of honey in boiling water in a drinking glass. Add cold water and a teaspoon of cider vinegar, mix thoroughly, and take before food three times a day. I've had osteoarthritis since my early sixties (I’m now approaching 90). I've had two hip replacements and very stiff knees. I used to be able to walk for about 20 minutes, or 30 with difficulty, after which time my back became increasingly uncomfortable. Then a friend recommended cider vinegar, which she had read about in a newspaper. You take a dessertspoonful in a glass of water, three times a day. The taste isn't more than mildly unpleasant, but if you prefer, you can add honey, then it's a pleasant drink. My health food shop sells Honegar, which is cider vinegar with honey. The result is miraculous! I can now walk as much as I want to. Several of my friends have tried it with good results, so I warmly recommend it to your readers. 

If this testimony could encourage someone to try out cider vinegar to ease the pain or if you already have experience with using this remedy lets share it with the others. 

Effective Ways To Ease Joint Pain

Joint pain is a pain that arises in the area where the two bones meet. Joint pain is common during winters. It causes discomfort and hampers the bodily functions. Joint pain can be caused by number of issues such as osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases, arthritis, gout, rubella, hepatitis, sprain, muscle strain and other injuries. Joint pain is common in knees, shoulder, elbows, neck, hip and wrist.

The intensity of joint pain ranges from mild to moderate and moderate to severe. It can also be accompanied by swelling and stiffness in joints, persistent knee pain and hand pain. Exercising regularly and eating balanced diet reduces joint pain.

Including carrots, fenugreek, ginger, garlic, onions in diet helps to get rid of joint pain. Apart from that there are certain home remedies one must follow to get relief from joint and knee pain to certain extent. Therefore, in this article, we at Boldsky are listing out some of the natural or herbal home remedies to get rid of knee and joint pain. Read on to know more about it.

Effective Ways To Ease Joint Pain

Turmeric: Turmeric is the best remedy to ease joint pain. The active ingredient, curcumin present it has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties that provides quick pain relief. Mix turmeric powder and honey to a glass of warm milk. Drink it daily to get a relief from joint pain.

Vinegar: Vinegar helps to eliminate toxins from the joints and connective tissues. Vinegar is beneficial for those who suffer from joint pain due to arthritis. Mix vinegar add honey in a glass of warm water. Drink this solutions thrice a day for the best results.

Effective Ways To Ease Joint Pain 

Garlic: The sulphur and selenium content present in garlic is beneficial in treating arthritis and joint pain. Sulphur relieves joint pain and provides quick relief.die Include raw garlic in your daily diet and notice the difference.

Nettle: Nettle is also known to alleviate pain. The compounds present in nettle reduces inflammation. It is also rich in boron, a mineral that is required for healthy bones and joints. Drink nettle juice to get sudden relief from joint pain.

Written by: Bindu, Published: Saturday, January 16, 2016

Friday 19 February 2016

If You Are Chronically Tired, Then This Is The Perfect Recipe For You

Retention of toxins in the blood become chronically tired, suffer from bloating and have circulatory problems.
In order not to retains the toxins in the blood should occasionally make cleaning. Retention of toxins in the blood we become chronically tired, suffer from bloating and have circulatory problems.
These problems can be removed by using a simple preparation of your kitchen. All you need is garlic, homemade wine, black. This elixir purifies the blood by removing excess fat and salt from the body and speeds up the metabolism.

If You Are Chronically Tired, Then This Is The Perfect Recipe For You

When the toxin levels in the blood are high you may become chronically tired and experience bloating and circulatory problems. This simple elixir will clean your blood from toxins by eliminating excess fat and salt while improving your metabolism. Here’s how to prepare it:
12 garlic cloves
Half a liter red wine (homemade if possible)
Clean the garlic cloves and chop them finely before putting them in a glass jar, then add the wine and close it tightly. Keep the mixture in a bright and warm place for two weeks, shaking it well every day. After two weeks, strain the mixture and pour it into a bottle. Take a teaspoon of this cleansing elixir three times a day for a month.
Note: the potion is extremely powerful so you should repeat the process only after a six-month break.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

This Is the Absolute Worst Weight-Loss Mistake You Can Make

You've got slimming down on the mind, and you already know that eating vegetables is the number one thing you should be doing to lose weight. But if you're new to this healthy lifestyle, you'll also need to know what mistakes you absolutely should not make — they could end up causing you to gain weight!
Cream Puffs, Delicious
So we asked certified dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition to share the biggest mistake she sees people making when trying to drop pounds. Her answer? "Cutting out too much." Some people feel like they need to stop eating everything that's "bad" for weight loss, like bread or all carbs (even fruit), sweet treats, alcohol, meat, and/or dairy. While doing a diet reset by ditching processed and nutrient-void foods and switching completely to whole foods definitely has its benefits, "limiting to protein shakes and cutting out all carbs" doesn't work for long-term weight loss. Sure, a person will lose weight, but that kind of diet is impossible to sustain. As soon as you go back to eating all those delicious off-limit foods like cookies, ice cream, wine, and pasta, the weight will come back on, and the cravings and binge-eating can also come on strong.
Another form of this is eating super restrictive all week, and then once the weekend comes, going crazy and eating whatever you want. Leslie says, "A starved body during the week will hoard calories on the weekend if it is a normal pattern." If you try to be "good" all week by eating a diet that is completely deficient in all things tasty, you'll feel so deprived and depressed about it that you won't be able to control those natural cravings, forcing you to overindulge. You'll end up consuming way more calories than you would normally, which can make the scale numbers go up.
Eating healthy shouldn't be so black and white. Leslie suggests moderation, also known as the 80/20 rule. It involves eating clean and healthy 80 percent of the time, and then 20 percent of the time, you have the freedom to indulge a little. For those who eat three meals a day, it works out to about three "cheat" meals a week. This eating lifestyle works because as Jessica Alba's trainer Yumi Lee says, "You can't be 100 percent all of the time, but you can be 80 percent all of the time." Allowing you to satisfy cravings during the week translates to greater success in the long run, so this is a great way to have your cake, and lose weight, too.

Friday 12 February 2016

Fresh vs. Frozen Vegetables: Which one is more Healthy?

The fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive than frozen. It is difficult to keep them for a long time, though, so many people prefer to eat fresh fruits and vegetables as compare frozen, and the reason is that fresh produce are healthy. Is that true?
It is well known that fruits and vegetables are very healthy, be directly consume at maturity, and the reason is that the nutritional content of the vegetables will be at the top level at the peak of maturity. But health experts say that this may be true only if they are eating vegetables or fruits in season pounds. So it can be frozen for vegetables to be better than fresh vegetables alternative, if they are not dealt with in the normal off-season.

When frozen vegetables are better than fresh

The cases in which frozen vegetables are better than fresh, it is when they are transported long distances before being sold in the markets. Then frozen vegetables are more nutritious. Nutrition experts explain, however, that frozen vegetables are often picked before they ripen, which means they did not get the food content fully.
As well as the transfer of fruits and vegetables long distances, making them lose a lot of food content, for example, lose the fresh spinach half the content of folic acid after eight days, as vitamins and minerals decreases inside the stored incorrectly, and that exposing the high light and heat.

Fresh Vegetables and Frozen

This applies, of course, the fruit also. Nutrition experts say that the qualities of fruits sold in German shops are not quite high, as is often the sale of fruits and vegetables before maturity.

The benefits of frozen foods

And perhaps the most important characteristic of frozen fruits and vegetables is that it is often harvested after maturity, and using hot water is peeled, which helps to kill bacteria and stop some active enzymes that damage the fruits and vegetables quickly. And then it is frozen what helps them keep food contents.
It should be noted that frozen fruits and vegetables much better than canned. The canned vegetables and fruits lose a lot of important nutrients when kept inside tins. Health experts advised to avoid buying frozen fruits and vegetables if they are chopped or crushed, Addressing fruits and vegetables before freezing lose a lot of food, as well as the need to ensure that fruits and vegetables frozen completely free of additives such as salt or butter.
Fresh vs Frozen Vegetables
On the other hand, can help buy frozen fruit and vegetables to save money, which is the best option for those who wish to address them in the off-season. With the exception of that fresh fruits and vegetables remain the best, especially if they were purchased from farmers directly after picked immediately, stored away from buying from the sale of food stores.

Posted by: Jodie Jackson, December 4, 2015 in Healthy Food

Thursday 11 February 2016

These Foods Can Be Deadly, Most of us Have Them in The Kitchen, Check And THROW Them

If there is something that you should never consume then that is processed food. It contains so many toxins in it that you shouldn’t even consider consuming it if you want to save your health. This food has really bad effect over your body and it might cause some serious diseases. 

The following are some of the most toxic foods that you should definitely avoid:


The green parts of potatoes are the most toxic thing that you could consume. They are full with glycoalkaloids, which can cause diarrhea and coma.


Rhubarb leaves contain high percentage of oxalic acid which is considered to be the main cause of kidney stones. Even a small amount of rhubarb can cause serious health problems and some studies showed that 5 kg of this plant can cause death.


It is a common knowledge that the sea waters are contaminated with mercury which is highly toxic substance. It has been proven that tuna as well as the other sea food are also contaminated with mercury. Experts from FDA say that woman and children should avoid consuming these types of food.


Consuming nutmeg can have fatal consequences over your health it could cause hallucinations and lead to psychosis. Consuming 5.5 grams of it can lead to cramps and 8 grams can even cause an attack. 


Well not all almonds are harmful for the health. There are two different types of almonds sweet and bitter and the bitter almonds are the one that you shouldn’t consume. They contain hydrogen cyanide and can cause health problems in adults and children.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Apply This Baking Soda And Lemon Mask On Your Face And Something Amazing Will Happen…I’m Trying This !

We are proving the incredible power of baking soda once more. It is great in cleaning your home, cooking, for your body, as well as beauty care. We are suggesting a recipe for face mask that you may try. The main ingredient is, of course, baking soda. It will do wonders to your skin: 

● Will help you get rid of blackheads;

● Remove acne;
● Eliminate bags under the eyes;
● Eliminate the dark circles.

The amazing face mask recipe 


● 2 drops of tea tree oil;
● 2 tbsp. of baking soda;
● ½ squeezed lemon.

How to prepare it: put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them until you get the wanted consistency. Apply it on your face; let it stay for 3 minutes (the first time) and 10 minutes the next week when you repeat the treatment. After that, wash it off with cool water. If in case your skin is very sensitive, then you can add some water to the mask. 

The baking soda will exfoliate the skin and help you remove the dead skin cells as well as all kinds of unnecessary deposits on the face. While tea tree oil is the greatest ally in the fight against acne and pimples. And finally, the lemon juice will destroy all pimple scars or sun spots. 

Thursday 4 February 2016

Before You Buy Green Cleaning Supplies

Cleaners can claim to be green, great for the environment, or natural. But how do we make sure of what we are buying? What exactly does 100% natural mean? These tips can help you decide which cleaning products are really green.
close-up of cleaning supplies - Jamie Grill/Getty ImagesJamie Grill/Getty Images
Check for full disclosure of ingredients.
Ingredient lists on cleaning supplies are not quite the same as ingredients lists on food labels. On a food label, if wheat is first and cinnamon is last, we know that there is more wheat in the product than cinnamon.
Ingredients on cleaning supply labels are not listed in order of how much of the ingredient is included. It's important to keep in mind that there are no requirements for manufacturers to even list ingredients for cleaning supplies unless they contain disinfectants or items that are known to be hazardous.
Look for manufacturers that list their ingredients either on the label or on their websites. To be sure what you are getting is green, you need to know exactly what is in it.

    Know about risky ingredients.
    Educate yourself about common ingredients in today's cleaners. Take the time to understand what all of those indecipherable letters mean. Knowing what exactly is in your cleaners will allow you to find out about the risks associated with those cleaners. This will allow you to make a confident choice. Check out the National Institute of Health's database to search for information about your household cleaners, how they should be handled, and their potential hazards.

      Check the cleaner's environmental claims.
      Catch-phrases like "environmentally friendly", "environmentally safe", and "biodegradable" all sound really great. But they are not as great as very specific claims that can be checked. Something that is made from 100% plant based ingredients is better than a cleaner that claims to be made from just natural ingredients.
      Look closely at the claims from your cleaners and, if needed, investigate further by contacting the company and asking more questions.

        Don't be dazzled by some claims.
        Many companies make claims that, while true, aren't exactly impressive. While you might be impressed that your cleaner contains no CFCs in order to protect the environment, what the company isn't telling you is that CFCs have been banned from aerosol products since the late 70s. Likewise phosphate-free may sound great, but with the exception of dishwasher detergent, most household products have been phosphate free for the last 2 decades. Don't be dazzled by claims that are really only the bare minimum of what the law requires.
        Check the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).
        Still worried about the impact of the cleaning products you've chosen? Take a moment to search online for the products MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). This sheet will probably give you more than you bargained for. But along with the very specific information about the cleaning products flash and boiling points, you can find a lot of useful information, including potential hazards. More and more companies are creating online libraries of their MSDS product information. A quick search may give you even more information than you ever wanted to know.