Saturday 28 May 2016


Have you heard that consuming garlic on an empty stomach is really useful? Someone may think that only grandmothers think this is a good thing and only they can consume it. Nevertheless, this is very beneficial habit that can help you in more than one way. It is efficient when it comes to preventing as well as treating numerous diseases.


Many researches have been done on the topic of garlic consumption benefits. They have all showed that consuming garlic prior to eating or drinking anything will increase it power and this powerful natural antibiotic can start working. Do you know why it has higher efficiency when it is consumed before meal? The bacteria in your body are becoming overexposed to it and its antibiotic influence and cannot defend themselves.
Why is it Good to Eat Garlic on an Empty Stomach
It has been proven many times that garlic is good for relieving the symptoms of hypertension. It is also very useful for regulation of the blood circulation, for preventing many heart diseases and triggering the appropriate function of the liver and the bladder.
Garlic can also be of great help when it comes to certain stomach problems, including diarrhea. According to some, it also can have positive effects on some nerve problems, but only when it is consumed on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
Besides for diarrhea, garlic is also very beneficial for other stomach problems because it triggers appropriate digestion and it regulates the appetite. If you consume garlic, you will deal much easier with stress, and thus the stomach acid is going to be produced in lower amounts, since your body produces it mostly when it is under stress.
Garlic is well known for its advantages all over the world. Almost all people are aware how beneficial it is, and that is one of the reasons why people have started calling it “a healing food” many years ago.
Garlic And Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine places the garlic at a high pedestal and considers it to be one of the most effective foods for detoxification of the body. Many medical practitioners from this area claim that garlic is so potent that can cleanse the body from worms and parasites, and can prevent many illnesses such as depression, typhus, diabetes, and even some cancer types.
If you happen to be allergic to garlic, never forget two things: never consume it raw, and if there is some skin outbreak, a headache or increased body temperature, stop consuming it immediately.
However, some studies have discovered that eating garlic can have side effects in patients that take pills for treating HIV/AIDS. In case you deal with these conditions, pay special attention and be very, very cautious. The first thing you should do before you start consuming garlic is to make sure that it is safe for you to consume it.
Even though it has strong flavor and aroma, you should consume it anyway and utilize its all health benefits. Instead of raw garlic, you can even use garlic supplements and utilize its benefits in this way.
Can you eat garlic on empty stomach or do you suffer from any complication? Do you use a raw garlic in your kitchen? Can you manage the smell of it? 

Friday 27 May 2016

Do You Know the Difference Between Underactive and Overactive Thyroid

About 20 million Americans suffer from some form of thyroid disease or disorder, according to the American Thyroid Association. Also, women are five to eight times more likely than men to have some kind of thyroid problem.
These statistics show that thyroid problems are very common.
There are many types of thyroid disease. The conditions that affect most people are hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
However, up to 60 percent of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.
difference between underactive and overactive thyroid
This is why it is important to understand the role of the thyroid gland and how any dysfunction can affect your body.

What is the thyroid gland and what does it do?

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the middle of the lower neck, just below your larynx.
This gland produces thyroid hormones that affect the functioning of every cell, tissue and organ in your body. These hormones help regulate your heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and the rate at which food is converted into energy.
The thyroid gland needs iodine to make several hormones. The two most prominent ones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the pituitary gland stimulates hormone production by the thyroid gland.
Another important hormone made by the thyroid gland is calcitonin, which plays a role in calcium homeostasis.
When the thyroid gland is not working properly and produces more or less than the required hormones, it can lead to either underactive or overactive thyroid.

What do you mean by underactive and overactive thyroid?

Underactive thyroid: Also known as hypothyroidism, this condition is marked by reduced activity of the thyroid gland.
In simple terms, it means there’s a lack of sufficient thyroid hormones circulating throughout the body. This slows the metabolic activity within the body.
Overactive thyroid: Also known as hyperthyroidism, this condition is marked by abnormal increase in the activity of the thyroid gland.
In simple terms, it means an excess of thyroid hormones circulating in the blood. This speeds up the metabolic activity unusually within the body.
Hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism. Both problems are usually diagnosed by a blood test measuring the level of T3, T4, and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) in the body.

Symptoms of underactive thyroid

1. Unexplained weight gain

Low thyroid hormone levels contribute to a lower metabolic rate, which in turn causes excess weight gain despite decreased appetite.

2. Constant fatigue and tiredness

Fatigue and extreme tiredness is another symptom of hypothyroidism. This happens when cells do not function properly because of low thyroid hormone levels, which in turn cause less energy, fatigue and constant tiredness.

3. Menstrual and fertility problems

Menstrual as well as fertility problems are also common in women suffering from hypothyroidism.

4. Constipation and indigestion

Low levels of thyroid hormones weaken the muscles lining the digestive tract, which in turn causes indigestion or constipation.

5. Increased sensitivity to cold

As proper function of the thyroid gland is important for regulating body temperature, its poor functionality can lead to increased cold intolerance.

6. Dry and flaky skin

Low levels of thyroid hormones slow down your metabolism and even reduce sweating, which can make the skin dry and flaky.

7. Muscle soreness and pain

An underactive thyroid increases inflammation in the body, leading to muscle soreness and joint pain.

8. Hair loss

For development and maintenance of the hair follicles, proper thyroid hormones are essential. An inadequate amount of these hormones can result in slow hair growth and hair loss.

9. Poor concentration and memory

Insufficient thyroid hormones can affect your neurotransmitters, which may lead to forgetfulness, poor memory and concentration-related issues.

10. High cholesterol

Inadequate thyroid hormones affect the body’s ability to break down and clear cholesterol from the bloodstream. This leads to high cholesterol in the body.

Symptoms of overactive thyroid

1. Unexplained weight loss

Sudden weight loss despite an increased appetite is one common symptom of hyperthyroidism. The high amounts of T4, T3 or both can cause an excessively high metabolic rate, leading to increased burning of “fuel” in the body.

2. Increased sensitivity to heat

High levels of thyroid hormones in the body activate the sweat glands, which leads to increased sweating. In spite of the increased sweating, your body just cannot tolerate heat. Also, this makes your skin feel warm and moist.

3. Feeling fatigued

Initially due to the increased metabolism, your energy level remains high. However, as hyperthyroidism continues, your body tends to break down, leading to fatigue and tiredness. High levels of thyroid hormones may also cause sleep disturbance, leaving you exhausted during the day.
Have you noticed any of these symptoms? 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

4 Tablespoons a Day And The Cancer is Gone: The Famous Russian Scientist Reveals the Most Powerful Homemade Remedy


Russian scientist Hristo Mermerski revealed a famous innovative home-based cure for cancer patients and generally people claim that this medicine can be really helpful. During one of the lectures Professor Mermerski revealed “It’s a food for treating the entire body, and cancer in that kind of body will withdraw,” This is the most unbelievable homemade medicine that efficiently cleanses the blood vessels, cures the heart and boosts the immune system. On the other hand, this incredible cure cleanses the liver and kidneys too. It also improves the memory and protects the heart from any sort of severe heart attack. If you have come across any other cure for cancer hopefully this would be the best cure ever. 

The ingredients you need for the cure are:
– 15 fresh lemons
– 12 fresh garlic cloves
– 35 oz. natural honey
– 14 oz. sprouted grains ( green wheat)
– 14 oz. fresh walnuts
Process of making sprouted grains:
Add the green wheat in a glass bowl and Pour water to cover up the wheat with water and leave it for an overnight. After 12 hours drain the grains and rinse them or later onwards strain them through a gauze. Set the drained wheat in a bowl for 24 hours and after that, you will get the sprouted grains.
Crush the walnuts, sprouted wheat and the earlier cleaned garlic cloves.  Grind 5 lemons along with the crust and then add them to the sprouted wheat combination. Squeeze the other 10 lemons and add the lemon juice to the mixture. Mix the ingredients until you come up with a homogeneous mixture. After that add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon. Put the blended ingredients in a glass jar and place it in the fridge. Before bringing the mixture in use let it stay in the fridge for about 3 days.
Usage of the cure
For really good results make sure to consume 1-2 tbsp of the cure 30 minutes before breakfast, dinner and also before going to bed. For those patients who have diagnosed cancer take 1-2 tbsp every 2 hours a day.
The famous Russian scientist, Dr. Mermerski says that this cure not only helps you have a long, healthy life but it also cures cancer efficiently and keeps the body young at heart and lively. He also adds that this medicine consists of all essential vitamins, mineral salts, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It helps your organs to work in a more improved way and along with that, it keeps the body in a fit state. If you keep using this cure and maintain your body’s health Dr. Mermensk adds, No cancer can survive in a healthy body,”
What do you think about this revelation? Even if you don`t suffer from cancer you can  still benefit from this cure for its extraordinary properties. Do you believe this?

Monday 16 May 2016

The Things You Can Do with Lemon Peels and Juice

This is a comprehensive fact sheet on using lemon around your house. 
In the US, lemons have been grown since the 16th century in Florida, after being brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus. With their high vitamin C content, lemons (along with limes) were valued to protect against the development of scurvy.
During the California Gold Rush, lemons were in such high demand that people paid up to $1 per lemon, which would still be considered pricey today (so it was extremely expensive during the 1800s).

The vitamin C content alone provides a good reason to keep a steady supply of lemons on hand, but these bright citrus fruits also contain additional antioxidants known as flavonoids that may play a beneficial role in fighting heart disease, cancer, and inflammation. As noted in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry:
"The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Citrus flavonoids can play a key role in their activity against several degenerative diseases and particularly brain diseases."
Lemons are simple to add to your diet; they can be incorporated into vegetable juice, used in salad dressings, squeezed over veggies, or used to make lemon water, for starters. In addition, you'll be amazed at just how many uses lemons have outside of the kitchen.
Around your home, lemons can be veritable superstars for cleaning, skin care, and much, much more. Business Insider compiled more than five dozen ways to use lemons in all, which you can browse through below.

61 Ways to Use Lemons Around Your Home

Garbage disposal: Freeze lemon slices and vinegar in ice cube trays. Place a few frozen cubes down your disposal for cleaning and freshening.
Refrigerator: Soak a sponge in lemon juice and let it sit in your fridge for a few hours; it works better than baking soda to remove odours.
Room freshener: Simmer a pot of water and add lemon peels, cloves, and cinnamon sticks.
Humidifier: Add lemon juice to the water in your humidifier, then let the machine run for deodorizing.
Breath: Drinking lemon water helps freshen your breath (rinse your mouth with plain water afterwards since lemon juice may erode your teeth).
Trash cans: A few lemon peels added to your garbage can will help with odours.
Fireplace: Dried citrus peels can act as kindling in your fireplace, adding a wonderful smell and acting as a flame starter. Simply let the peels sit out for a few days before using.
Hands: Add lemon juice while washing your hands with soap to help remove stubborn odours like garlic.
Cat box: Place lemon slices in a bowl near your cat box to help freshen the air.
Furniture polish: Combine lemon oil, lemon juice, and olive or jojoba oil to make a homemade furniture polish. Simply buff with a cloth.
Microwave: While I don't recommend microwave cooking, I realize many people use one. If you caked on food, microwave a bowl of water, lemon juice, and lemon slices for three minutes. The food will wipe right off.
Windows: Lemon juice cuts through grease and grime on windows and glass. Try combining it with cornstarch, vinegar, and water for a phenomenal window cleaner.
Hard water stains: Rub a cut lemon on your faucets and shower fixtures. It will remove hard water stains and leave fixtures shiny.
Cutting boards: Sprinkle coarse salt on your cutting board then rub with a cut lemon to freshen and remove grease. This trick also works for wooden salad bowls and rolling pins.
Coffee maker: Run a cycle with plain water, then add a mixture of lemon juice and water to the water tank. Let it sit then run the cycle through. Repeat this process once more, then run another plain water cycle (you'll want to wash the coffee pot and filter afterwards to remove any lemon taste).
Rust stains on marble: Sprinkle baking soda on the stains then add lemon juice. Scrub and repeat as necessary, then wipe clean with a wet rag.
Brass and copper polish: Combine lemon juice and vinegar (equal parts) then apply with a paper towel to brass or copper. Polish with a soft cloth until dry. Lemon juice can also be combined with baking soda to make a paste that will remove tarnish.
Silverware polish: Combine one tablespoon lemon juice, 1.5 cups of water and 0.5 cut instant dry milk. Soak your silverware in the mixture overnight, then rinse and dry. In a pinch, you can apply lemon juice to tarnished silverware and buff with a clean cloth.
Dish soap booster: A teaspoon of lemon juice added to dish soap helps cut through grease and increases effectiveness.
Plastic containers: I recommend glass containers to store your food, but if you have plastic containers with food stains, rubbing them with lemon juice and letting them dry in the sun will help remove the stains.
Toilet: Adding half a cup of lemon juice to your toilet, then letting it sit prior to scrubbing, will help remove stains. Add half a cup of borax for stubborn stains.
Drains: To unclog a drain, pour a pot of boiling water down the drain followed by half a box of baking soda and 8-12 ounces of lemon juice. The lemon juice and baking soda will react, creating a foam. Follow this up with another pot of boiling water to flush away the clog.
Shower doors: Dip the cut half of a lemon in baking soda, then rub into on the glass to remove water stains. Rinse and towel dry.
All-purpose cleaner: Combine water, baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and lemon essential oil for a wonderful kitchen or bathroom cleaner.
Cheese graters: Rub half a lemon over your grates to remove grease without ruining your sponge.
Hardwood floors: Combine lemon and vinegar to make a grime-fighting non-toxic floor cleaner.
Gentle bleach: Add lemon juice to hot water and soak white linens, then rinse and wash as normal. You can also add one-half cup of lemon juice to your washing cycle in lieu of bleach.
Spot treatment: Pour lemon juice on fabric stains followed by salt. Rub the stain and rinse. This works well for underarm stains. Dry in the sun if possible for even more stain-fighting power.
Mildew stains: Apply a paste of lemon juice and salt to the stain, then let dry in the sun. Repeat as needed.
Grease stains: Mix lemon juice with vinegar and apply to the stain. Let it sit and then rinse.
Whiten tennis shoes: Spray lemon juice onto white sneakers then dry them in the sun for whitening and freshening.
Prevent browning on fruits and veggies: Soak cut-up apples, cauliflower, bananas, pears, potatoes, and avocados in a bowl of cold lemon water to prevent browning.
Revive limp lettuce: Add the juice of half a lemon to a bowl of cold water, then soak soggy lettuce leaves. Refrigerate for one hour then dry the now-crisp leaves.
Clumpy rice: To keep rice from sticking, add a spoonful of lemon juice to the water while the rice is cooking. Simply fluff with a fork when it's done.
Ice cubes: Add lemon slices to your ice cube trays to add some flavour to your beverages.
Marinade: Combine lemon juice with your favourite oils and herbs to marinate meats. The acidic lemon juice helps break down the meat so the flavour of the marinade can infuse it.
Buttermilk substitute: Two tablespoons of lemon juice added to a cup of milk, and left to sit for 15 minutes, makes a fine substitute for buttermilk in recipes.
Sour cream substitute: For a sour cream alternative, add lemon juice to whipped cream and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Hair lightener: Mix lemon juice with almond or coconut oil, then apply it to your hair before heading out in the sun. The lemon will lighten your hair while the oil will keep it from drying out.
Age spots and freckles: Apply lemon juice with a cotton swab to help fade age spots and freckles.
Brightening moisturizer: A few drops of lemon juice mixed with coconut oil and applied as a moisturizer will help to hydrate and brighten your skin.
Whiten nails: Soak your nails in a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. While the lemon juice brightens your nails, the olive oil will help strengthen them.
Dandruff: Massage two tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp then rinse with lemon water. Repeat as necessary until dandruff resolves.
Acne: Lemon juice, a natural astringent, can help fight acne when applied to your face twice a day. Let it sit for 10 minutes each time, then rinse with cool water.
Exfoliator: A combination of lemon juice, sugar, olive oil, and honey makes a nourishing exfoliating scrub for your face and body.
Lemon water: Lemon water provides you with vitamin C and potassium while helping with digestion and immune system health.
Sore throat: Lemon is both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Gargling with lemon water may soothe a sore throat while consuming lemon water provides vitamin C for your immune system.
Canker sores: Lemon juice has antifungal and antibacterial properties, so gargling with a cup of hot lemon water may help speed the healing of canker sores.
Skin rashes: Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply it to rashes, such as poison ivy, for relief.
Insect bites: Lemon juice can help to relieve the swelling and itching of insect bites.
Coughs: Sip hot lemon water with honey to help reduce mucous buildup and relieve coughs.
Warts: Coating warts with lemon juice may help break them down and speed recovery.
Leather shoe polish: Combine one part lemon juice with two parts of olive oil, then apply to leather shoes. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then buff with a cloth.
Invisible ink: Dip a cotton swab into lemon juice and write a message on a piece of white paper. After it dries, hold it up to a lamp or light bulb to see your hidden message.
Jewellery sanitizer: Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to 1.5 cups of water. Use the solution to sanitize earrings and other jewellery, but do not use it on pearls or gold.
Insect repellant: Mopping floors with lemon juice and water will repel roaches and flees. Spray concentrated lemon juice on areas where ants are getting in. You can also place lemon peels near entryways to repel insects.
Stains on your pet's fur: To remove pink or red-colored stains from around your pet's eyes or mouth, apply a paste of baking soda and lemon juice and rub into the fur. Let it sit for about 10 minutes then rinse off. Be careful not to get the mixture into your pet's eyes.
Berry stains on hands: Rub a paste of cornmeal and lemon juice onto your hands, let sit, then rinse off to remove berry stains.
Kill weeds: Spray weeds with lemon juice for a non-toxic weed killer.
Dog and cat repellant: If you want to keep neighborhood dogs and cats out of your yard, sprinkle the perimeter with coffee grounds and lemon peels. Most dogs and cats dislike the scents and will go elsewhere.
Hardened paintbrushes: Bring lemon juice with a splash of water to a boil, then add in hardened paintbrushes. Let sit for 15 minutes, then wash with soap and water. The bristles will become soft again once they dry.

Lemon Aromatherapy May Ease Stress and Anxiety

Using lemon essential oil for aromatherapy is another way to harness the healing powers of lemons. Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds of flowers and plants in a highly concentrated form. They are, in many ways, the essence of the plant and can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts. The particles in essential oils, which come from flowers, twigs, leaves, or bark, can be inhaled, prompting various beneficial effects. Lemon essential oil, for instance, has been shown to have anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects.
Further, in one study when participants sniffed a blend of oils of lemon, lavender, and ylang ylang, it lowered systolic blood pressure and sympathetic nerve system activity. An aromatherapy massage using oils of lemon, rosemary, and peppermint was even found to relieve constipation in the elderly.
Meanwhile, the scent of lemon has been found to also reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. So whether you use lemon for its flavor and vitamin C, its antioxidant and cleaning powers, as a part of your aromatherapy collection or all of the above, you really can't go wrong. One caveat: use fresh lemon juice over the pre-squeezed varieties you can purchase at grocery stores, as the latter will lose vitamin C content quite quickly.