Saturday 4 June 2016

Improve Your Digestion By Avoiding These 3 Habits While Having A Meal

Have you ever heard about food coma? That is when you feel sleepy and fatigued right after you’ve eaten a large, heavy meal and you just want to lay down and take a rest.
Those who overeat by consuming each day a lot of high-calorie foods, are facing this situation on a regularly basis.
There are also cases when you consume healthy meals, but you feel a lack of energy and bloated after ingestion, you can try to change your routines, activities, or your lifestyle.
Here are three habits that are ruining your energy and stability, and you should leave them instantly if you want to be fresh and full of energy after eating a meal.

1.Drinking cold water 
One of the most harmful habits is to consume ice cold water during the meal. This habit leads to compressing the blood vessels and slowing the digestive system. The fat you are ingesting becomes harder for digestion, because of the freezing effect from the ice cold water. Warm water is the key to boosting your metabolism and stimulating the digestion. Also, you can add lemon to the warm water or alternate it with a cup of green tea. But the most important step to remember is to drink it slowly.

2.Combining protein and starch
When protein and naturally abundant nutrient carbohydrates (known as starch) are combined, we are facing with a bad digestion. Types of food combinations like, burgers and French fries, potatoes and meat, and many others that we ingest very often, are willing to cause acid reflux and heartburn because the digestive system needs more time to break down the proteins while for the starch this process is faster.
Eaten in the same time, they become mixed up, and the starch is waiting for digestion for many hours while proteins are digesting. If you allow this, then you should be prepared for things like bloating and belching, because the starches are fermenting. A good way for easier digestion is combining vegetables and starches.

3.Drinking a lot of water
Consuming a lot of water is also not well. It’s commonly known that water is a miracle for us when it comes to the question about our health, but here comes the saying “Cure in big quantity is poison”. An overdose of water can cause bloating and other issues. Like everything else, the best way is moderate consuming.
By drinking too much water, the stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which is important for food digestion, and then digestive issues are coming. We should drink water at least for an hour before or after consuming a meal.

Which of your eating habits need to be changed? 

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